04-09 新浪家居频道
连璧取自《庄子》:“以日月为连璧,星辰与珠玑”。珠联璧合,是连接美酒与美食,艺术与生活,东方与西方的桥梁。"Lian bi" (Two Pieces of Jade)From Zhuangzi: "Let the sun and moon be joined together as two jades, and the natural stars as jewels". A perfect match is a bridge between wine and food, art and life, and East and West.
Pont des Arts ·连璧餐厅,落址于重庆市江北区港腾路99号,是由醇馥酒业投资,顶层葡萄酒品牌庞狄莎授权的特色菜餐厅。甄选全球高级食材,将传统与创新的烹饪手法融合,每一道菜都是整个团队匠心的凝聚,连璧的另一个核心亦是体现食材与调料品的高级融合感,让各位贵宾感受到连璧团队智慧的火花。Pont des Arts· Lianbi Restaurant, located at 99 Gangteng Road, Jiangbei District, Chongqing, is a specialty restaurant invested by Chunfu Wine Industry and authorized by the top wine brand Pontissa. Selecting the world's top-grade ingredients and combining traditional and innovative cooking techniques, each dish is the cohesion of the whole team's ingenuity, and another core of Lianbi is to reflect the high-grade fusion of ingredients and seasonings, so that all distinguished guests can feel the spark of Lianbi team's wisdom.
“建立强有力的身份和空间叙事,以提升和丰富用户关于品质、品味感的不同解读乐趣。”"Building a strong identity and spatial narrative, In order to enhance and enrich users' different interpretation fun about quality and taste.
本案由岭众联合-田艾灵设计用“泛艺术”的国际化视野,打造一个无明确套路、所谓奢侈风格标准模版化的餐饮空间,让来宾进入一个独立而特别的精神美食世界。让经典艺术流淌于城市的脉络之间;将西方的色彩、光晕在东方的诗意朦胧里呈现。"In this case, Lingzhong Union-Tian Ailing designed an international vision of "pan-art" to create a dining space with no clear routine and standard template of so-called luxury style, so that guests can enter an independent and special spiritual food world. Let the classic art flow between the veins of the city; Show western colors and halos in the poetic haze of the East.
整个餐厅占地1000多平米,分为大聚会宴请区和私密小众宴请区两个区域。大聚会宴请区在拔出高度的接待厅更突出艺术感;直接由车库步入的专属楼梯私密感;再细微变化三个不同主题的内包房环境延伸。The whole restaurant covers an area of more than 1,000 square meters, and is divided into two areas: the big gathering banquet area and the private minority banquet area. The reception hall with a high height in the big party banquet area is more artistic; Private sense of exclusive stairs directly from the garage; Then subtly change the environment extension of inner private rooms with three different themes.
餐厅以折叠、弧度自然展开的纯净外门头在金属肌理怀旧感里自然沉淀。The pure outer door head of the restaurant, which is folded and unfolded naturally in radian, naturally precipitates in the nostalgic feeling of metal texture.
保障宾客由车库进出的私密性,特设专用仪式感楼梯通道,艺术感的画面结合质感铜肌理漆,表述出关于品质的泛风格化沉浸氛围调性。To ensure the privacy of guests entering and leaving the garage, a special ceremonial staircase passage is set up, and the artistic picture combined with textured copper texture paint expresses the pan-stylized immersion atmosphere tonality of quality.
流线型、留白多于陈设的接待厅,泛旧的肌理墙与流沙石材纹理交融出一场在当代里关于岁月感的场域精神;点到即止的必要接待桌与动态的组型灯组,天幕自然之光搭配动态雕塑,微动而又静谧,构造进入餐厅的仪式感。Streamlined reception hall with more white space than furnishings, the pan-old texture wall and quicksand stone texture blend a field spirit about the sense of time in the contemporary era; The necessary reception table, dynamic group lights, the natural light of the awning and dynamic sculpture are used to construct the sense of ceremony for entering the restaurant.
或如米色流沙、或如斑斓泼墨幻彩、或如低调退隐的灰……自然随空间流转的地材成为空间铺垫又能细看出它的表达。For example, beige quicksand, colorful splash-ink and magic color, or low-key retired ash ... The floor materials that naturally flow with the space become the space bedding and can see its expression in detail.
交错渐次的柱与半拱结合、递进至几何折叠对称的尽头,构建出时间与空间的延伸感,引领宾客的探索进入。Staggered columns and semi-arches are combined gradually, and gradually reach the end of geometric folding symmetry, building a sense of extension of time and space, leading guests to explore.
包房用奢侈的尺度,除了满足必要的用餐空间以外,还有满足先到贵宾等待之时品茗空间,用餐完毕后的娱乐影院休闲空间。With the luxury of private rooms, in addition to meeting the necessary dining space, there is also the room for tea when the VIP is waiting first, and the leisure space in the entertainment theater after the meal.
看似夸张的大画框线条通过工艺思考与交待落地,巧妙变成平板门的通天拉手,成为暗含古典奢侈的一处表达。不同肌理、不同色调婉转空间的墙面,经过多次反复调试,在温润木色低调衔接里收整和谐……一切不经意的美一定来源于背后沉淀的刻意为之。The seemingly exaggerated lines of the big picture frame are skillfully turned into the handle of the flat door through technological thinking and explanation, and become an expression of implied classical luxury. Walls with different textures and different tones have been debugged repeatedly, and are integrated and harmonious in the low-key connection of warm wood color ..... All the casual beauty must come from the deliberate action behind it.
浓郁丰富的墨、水始冰合之色的深绿,暗金构建出超导包房的气度。而那一笔绛红色以期呼应法国的勃艮第红,注入张力时也如踏上“葡萄酒之路”的曼妙旅行。家具陈设诠释内敛而简洁的静物美学,优雅而精致。层叠延展的主灯,有如海浪拍击的余韵,洋溢着浪漫与奢华。The rich dark green of ink and water, and the dark gold build the bearing of superconducting private room. And that crimson red in order to echo the burgundy red of France, when it is injected with tension, it is also like a graceful journey on the "wine road". Furniture furnishings interpret introverted and concise still life aesthetics, elegant and exquisite. Stacked and extended main lights, like the aftereffect of waves, are full of romance and luxury.
简单含蓄而有细节的各种元素和谐并存于一室,从金属装置造型吊灯到艺术品陈设空间氛围,于自然、空间与人的交互中重组空间秩序。一切的营造都是为了宾客能够身临其境感受到连璧餐厅清雅悠闲的用餐气息与文化意蕴。沏一壶茶,海浪碧天有如身后,听凭海涛之声,有感天空之境。Simple, subtle and detailed elements coexist harmoniously in one room, from metal device modeling chandelier to artistic display space atmosphere, reorganizing space order in the interaction between nature, space and people. Everything is created for guests to feel the elegant and leisurely dining atmosphere and cultural meaning of Lianbi Restaurant.Make a pot of tea, the waves are blue like behind you, listen to the sound of the waves, and feel the sky.
写意泼墨花鸟背景,大面灰中带暖的背景,适当留白的衬托,构造出当代去符号化的文人意境包房。转折处垂悬的灯影,与流线曲度的沙发,连同背后徽宗的千字文的笔划劲利,清逸润朗,营造出静物美学之境。新潮的艺术手法与传统元素和谐共生,使空间自古意中萌发新的生命力。Freehand brushwork splash-ink flower and bird background, warm background in large gray, and appropriate white space as the foil, the contemporary unmarked literati artistic conception private room is constructed. The light shadow hanging at the turning point, the sofa with streamline curvature, and the stroke strength of the thousand-character text in the back of the alternated emperor, are clear and elegant, creating a still life aesthetic realm. New artistic techniques and traditional elements coexist harmoniously, which makes space sprout new vitality from ancient times.
采用序构排列感构建空间秩序,将原来平庸的玻璃落地门消失,自然雅白肌理被粗粝质感暗调的天然毛板衬托出一室纯净,温润的光晕、肌理、色彩与用材质地,营造着宁静温雅的空间氛围,那一画一花是空间唯一跳色。Using the sense of order and arrangement to build the spatial order, the original mediocre glass floor-to-ceiling door disappears, and the natural elegant and white texture is set off by the natural wool board with rough texture and dark tone to create a room of pure, warm halo, texture, color and material land, which creates a quiet space atmosphere in Wen Ya, and that painting and flower is the only color in the space.
连续包裹感又间插贯穿天地的洞穴感搭配茂密的植物,给予城市钢筋森林里的自然引领。弧度精巧的入户门,引领来宾进入一个用黑白交互、塑型内建筑光影表达出来的:带一点未来感、带一点随性、更多特别感的弧度通道。The sense of continuous wrapping is interspersed with the sense of caves running through heaven and earth, with dense plants, giving natural guidance to the urban reinforced forest. The entrance door with exquisite radian leads the guests into a radian passage with a little futuristic, a little casual and more special feeling, which is expressed by the interaction of black and white and the light and shadow of the plastic building.
分散各处的私密小包房,自成美景,各有洞天。当代艺术与写意融合的设计风格正如餐厅内匠心独具的创意佳肴,以独到技法将经典抬升到新的高度。Private private private rooms scattered everywhere have their own beautiful scenery, each with its own cave. The design style combining contemporary art and freehand brushwork is just like the ingenious and creative cuisine in the restaurant, which lifts the classics to a new height with unique techniques.
以赭红与低调暗紫消融于纯净沙白之间;低矮的大梁被坡度弧拱顺势而为消失于无形,设计就是让最后的空间看似理所当然的自然不着痕迹。软装呼应空间架构气质,融入而不突出。定制的花艺悬浮于包间,雅白弧度桌面妥帖于空间尺度韵律,形与色拙而璞雅的坐具,舒适又成为空间力量色块。With ochre red and low-key dark purple, it melts between pure sand white; The low girder disappeared into the invisible by the slope arc arch, and the design is to make the last space look natural without trace. Soft clothes echo the temperament of space architecture, and blend in without highlighting. Custom-made floral art is suspended in the private room, and the elegant white curved tabletop is suitable for the rhythm of the spatial scale, and the seat with clumsy shape and color is elegant, and the comfort becomes the color block of spatial power.
极富视觉张力的造型映于弧形墙壁上,光影的明暗关系,构就空间的审美秩序对比,加深空间的戏剧性,烘托出一个富有故事的精神场域。或伴着酒香乐曲放空小憩,或闲对光影花艺遐想片刻,无论对饮还是独酌,都能畅享自在闲情。The shape with great visual tension is reflected on the curved wall, and the relationship between light and shade constructs the contrast of aesthetic order in space, deepens the drama of space, and sets off a spiritual field full of stories. Or take a short rest with the wine-scented music, or daydream about light, shadow and floral art for a moment, whether drinking or drinking alone, you can enjoy your leisure.
线条的可塑性、极简的艺术性,在小众包房区被运用到极致,设计师以“弧”作为柔性的牵引,烘托出弧线有序汇合的空间美学尺度。让自然与艺术在此间产生嬗变,令来宾在体验高端服务的同时,又可尽得纵情食物的趣味。The plasticity and minimalist artistry of lines are applied to the extreme in the minority private room area. Designers use "arc" as a flexible traction to set off the spatial aesthetic scale of orderly convergence of arcs. Let nature and art evolve here, so that guests can enjoy the high-end service while enjoying the food.
晦暗的光线漫射四周,将空间变为人与美食的“容器”,整体如柔焦的底片,将来宾的注意力焦点自然而然地牵引到桌面的菜品中来。The dim light diffuses around, turning the space into a "container" for people and food. The whole film is like a soft-focus film, which naturally draws the attention of the guests to the dishes on the table.
以泛艺术感和对生活感官质量的考虑为基础,Pont des Arts ·连璧餐厅呈现出一个诗意、持久和令人愉悦的感受空间,创造出休闲感和品质细节质感,希望主、宾在此皆找到自己的理解。Based on the pan-artistic sense and the consideration of the sensory quality of life, Pont des Arts Lianbi Restaurant presents a poetic, lasting and pleasant feeling space, creating a sense of leisure and quality details, hoping that the host and guest can find their own understanding here.
项目名称:连璧餐厅· Pont des Arts
Project Name:Pont des Arts
Project Location:Chongqing
Design Company:ElinImperial Institute of Design
艺术总监:田艾灵Artist Director:Elin Tian
主案设计师:田艾灵Chief Design:Elin Tian
深化方案设计师:何飞鸿、刘佳佳Deepening Scheme Designer: He Feihong, Liu Jiajia
软陈空间设计师:罗艺悦Decoration Designer:Luo Yiyue
Photography:Bianjieren Photography
Elin Imperial Institute of Design
开创新空间,塑造新关系:人与物,人与人,人与内心。让使用者拥有更多的体验、更多的自由、更多的自我,是设计师不变的责任。创意就是创造记忆!"创"是不同于从前的想法,"作"则是把东西做出来。Create a new space, shaping new relationship: people and things, people, people, people and inner. Let users have more experience, more freedom, more self, is the responsibility of the designer. Creative is to create memory! "